
- Dec. 27, 2021
- 32:03 Min
The Important Role Grandparents Play In A Childs Development
The interaction between grandparents and grandchildren can be an important part of a young person’s development. Grandparents can provide acceptance, patience, love stability wisdom, fun and support to their grandchildren.

- Dec. 22, 2021
- 20:24 Min
Reading and Bonding with Kids Featuring Gramps Jeffrey
From Contributing to the Huffington Post to Bonding with Kids. Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old.

- December 20, 2021
- 35:16 Min
Because Everyone Has A Story – BEHAS with Daniela
Gramps Jeffrey is the author of a few books, including the acclaimed business book “The Secrets of Retailing, or: How to Beat Walmart” and his most recent book “I Don’t Want To Turn 3.” He is also a contributor to The Huffington Post with over 100 published articles on how to help the nonprofit world.