
- Nov. 30, 2021
- 01:01:01 Min
Nov 30th episode of The Round Table Talk Show with Sharifah Hardie
When does a toddler start to learn right from wrong? What takes place in a family that influences a decision going through a young mind? “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” explores the interaction between a family

- Oct. 22, 2021
- 19 Min
BABY BOOMERS‘S Role Is to Mentor. Gramps Jeffrey talks about his book “I Don’t Want to Turn 3”.
Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old. As the author of the acclaimed business book “The Secrets of Retailing…How to Beat Walmart” and a contributor to The Huffington Post of over 100 articles on how to help the nonprofit world and also help grow small