I Don’t Want to Turn 3 – Healing For The Soul Podcast
I had a great time talking with Gramps about his newest book, “I don’t want to turn 3”. It great to learn the behind the story of it and get wisdom that Gramps has to offer to Grandparents.
Nov 30th episode of The Round Table Talk Show with Sharifah Hardie
When does a toddler start to learn right from wrong? What takes place in a family that influences a decision going through a young mind? “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” explores the interaction between a family
“Gramps Jeffery” – Frankly Francisco Podcast
In this episode, Gramps Jeffery joins us to discuss what he learned through being on lockdown with his grandchildren due to Covid19 and their behaviors, which inspired him to write his book.
Adventures with Grammy PodCast
“…encourage them to learn new things. When they create that curiosity, you want them to keep asking…praise the process…allow the children to create their own potential.” -Author Gramps Jeffrey
Gramps Jeffrey on “Turning 3” Authors on the Air Global Radio Network
Gramps Jeffrey describes his metamorphosis from Huffington Post columnist and best selling business writer to the creator of “I don’t Want to Turn 3.”
BABY BOOMERS‘S Role Is to Mentor. Gramps Jeffrey talks about his book “I Don’t Want to Turn 3”.
Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old. As the author of the acclaimed business book “The Secrets of Retailing…How to Beat Walmart” and a contributor to The Huffington Post of over 100 articles on how to help the nonprofit world and also help grow small
Gramps Jeffrey Firebird Book Award Winner PodCast
Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old.
The Authors Show PodCast
“As a baby boomer myself trying to understand how the world has evolved since I was a toddler is also part of this story…This book was written for parents and grandparents.” -Author Gramps Jeffrey